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RE: multiple Series with multiple personalities?

To: <>
Subject: RE: multiple Series with multiple personalities?
From: "Carl Merritt" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 10:00:34 -0700
> Wow. Speaking as an outsider (as I so obviously am), it looks 
> like SFR doesn't need to host ANY events! 
> -Katie

Wow!  Just imagine how fast the site-fund would grow without the expense
of hosting events!  


Seriously now, we need to have a major recruitment drive over at Google
and hopefully hook some bazillionair who can buy us a huge chunk of
pavement in the bay area we can call our own.  How about the old Fremont
Airport site, we can rent it to drifters and drag races on weekday
nights to make some extra income...


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