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Subject: SJGP...
From: Jim Burwell <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 15:14:28 -0700
I think next year I'm going to get a Grandstand seat, since there were 
hardly any really good views of the track from the sides.  A lot of 
places that might have had good views were obstructed by banners and 
tarps and stuff hung on the catch fence.  Any other place seemed to have 
crowds 6-7 rows of people deep.  I could hardly get any good photos from 
the sidelines. 

There was no where on the entire track that you could see over the catch 
fence.  I suppose if you had some 'in' at one of the buildings where you 
could get out on a balcony, that'd be best.

The promoters had some teething problems for sure.  The pedestrian 
bridge crossing S. Market to the Park was closed Friday because it 
wasn't finished.  Also, I couldn't believe how badly the cars bounced at 
a certain point going down S. Market.  I swear the rear end of the cars 
would bounce half a foot off the ground, and come down a foot or so to 
the left of where it 'lauched', rotating the car to the right .  Was 
insane looking!

All in all, it was interesting.  But I think, if I had to make a 
decision, I'd have them move it back to Laguna Seca.  Or maybe even 
Sears Point!

- Jim

|         Jim Burwell - Sr. Systems/Network/Security Engineer, JSBC         |
| "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." - Mark Twain   |
| "UNIX was never designed to keep people from doing stupid things, because |
|  that policy would also keep them from doing clever things." - Doug Gwyn  |
| "Cool is only three letters away from Fool" - Mike Muir, Suicyco          |
| "..Government in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst     |
|  state an intolerable one.." - Thomas Paine, "Common Sense" (1776)        |
|   Email:                              ICQ UIN:  1695089     |
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