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Reno Divisional attendance questionnaire

To: <>
Subject: Reno Divisional attendance questionnaire
From: "Kevin McCormick" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 08:47:02 -0700
Hi all,

Below is a questionnaire from Katie regarding the Reno Divisional this
weekend - please take a moment to pick one/some/all of the choices :-)

Thanks much,

Kevin McCormick

-----Original Message-----

NorPac's Solo II Divisional Steward is interested in understanding why
more people are not entered in the Reno Divisional.  If you are not
attending, it would oh, so helpful to know why not. Please select from
the reasons below and reply to this message indicating your favorite(s).
You can also email Katie directly at with any
comments you like (ok, do be polite but candor appreciated). 
Reasons for Not Attending Reno Divisional

A.      Gasoline is just too expensive to travel more this year
B.      Not willing to pay outrageous hotel room rates in Reno given
conflict with Rodeo
C.      Too burned out 
D.      Don't like the Series trophies
E.      Not thrilled by the quality of competition
F.      Don't like the altitude at Reno or asphalt or something about
the site
G.      Think the Divisional Series is a waste of time
H.      Worried the event won't be of high enough caliber to make it
worth the effort/cost to travel
I.      Reno is too far away
J.      Not sufficiently publicized/What's a Divisional?
K.      Dog ate my homework
L.      Not worth it to do one more event

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