"Navid Kahangi" <navid@xperformance.com> writes:
> Count me in. ESP runs first, so I can get my work assignment out of the way
> and bail after my runs and save the rest of the day. That is of course if
> that's ok with my fellow competitors.
> I seem to have ruffled some feathers by not spending the whole day at the
> event last Sunday. I was driving back from ButtonWillow and I couldn't get
> there until 1:45. Thanks Vic for picking up my card. I managed to get my
> work assignment done and thanks to Scott's help, my car was on grid in
> plenty of time before my run group. Honestly, if the event was not running
> so much ahead of schedule, nobody would have even noticed I was late.
> I do apologize if you were offended by that.
> --Navid
I take it your car passed annual tech.