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RE: Instructors for Solo School on June 11

To: "'Bryan Nemy'" <>,
Subject: RE: Instructors for Solo School on June 11
From: "Donald McKenna" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 10:00:19 -0700
Bryan writes:

> Still looking for instructors and helpers for the school on June 11.
> Let me know
> Bryan

In case you might be wondering, "Playing" instructor is a very enjoyable and
rewarding experience.

When I was first asked to instruct a while back, I couldn't imagine what I
might be able to contribute as an instructor.

What a surprise that first experience was.

Just the first ride with a less experienced student gave me all kinds of
insight as to what I really knew and, could then, pass on to my student.

If you've run for a while and are hanging back, reluctant to volunteer, for
fear you won't be able to contribute, squash those concerns and sign-up with
Bryan, today.

You'll have a great time --- and, OBTW, get a free rides, a lunch and you
might get to drive a different car to demo your instructions :-)

Go for it!


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