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Still need some more workers for SCCA Pro, Sunday 5/8, Atwater

To: "''" <>
Subject: Still need some more workers for SCCA Pro, Sunday 5/8, Atwater
From: "Runnion, Ed" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 17:16:39 -0700
We already have some volunteers, but need some more help!

Basically, you'll need to head out to Atwater for the Sunday of the SCCA Pro
Solo to help work the course during the Challenge.    This will get you up
close to some of the best "heads up" Solo2-type racing you've ever seen!
This lasts a few hours.

In return for working the course, you get :

  * a free lunch 
  * a free entry to a future 2005 SFR SCCA Championship event!

If you can help, please e-mail me ASAP!   Chris McKinney : can you forward
this on to Fresno Chapter as well.   Not sure how useful the SFR Event entry
will be, but we'd appreciate the help none-the-less!

I will personally be going out to do this, and will gladly help carpool with
some other folks from the South Bay if you wanna save on gas money (and
these days, who doesn't :)).


Ed Runnion

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