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FW: Message on Solo 2 Chief

To: "Bay Area Autocross" <ba-autox@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: FW: Message on Solo 2 Chief
From: "Bryan Nemy" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 18:25:09 -0800
Message from the Sherry Grantz.
Please read!
Dear Bay Area Autocrossers:
In case you are not aware, the Solo 2 Chief position has a term limit of
three years. Bryan Nemy will be finishing his third year December 31, 2004.
Not only can Bryan not continue as Solo 2 Chief, as you know he's been
elected to the Region Board and will have his hands full with other
At this time, no one has volunteered to step us as Solo 2 Chief for 2005,
although the Steering Committee has known they needed a new Chief for many
What does this mean to you? 
Without a Chief, the Solo 2 program has no organization, no goals, no
schedule. Beyond Boondoggle, scheduled for Feb. 5 (I think), no Bay Area
autocross events are now scheduled. Your sites will continue scheduling
sporting events, concerts and whatever, and it will become more difficult
for any autocross dates to be scheduled!
How do you make sure you have a 2005 schedule?
Volunteer to be Chief for 2005. This does not mean you have responsibility
for everything, or even most of the many things that Bryan did. It means you
are signing up to be the Leader, to recruit Chiefs and volunteers to help
plan the season. You know how Solo 2 people are. If there's a plan, lots of
people jump in to help and make things happen.
Don't wait until it's too late. Contact Bryan Nemy if you have even the
slightest feeling that you can do this job and want to autocross in 2005 in
the Bay area.
Sherry Grantz

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