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To: ba-autox@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: helmets
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 01:52:27 +0000
Some good discussions!  And a paucity of personal attacks.  Commendable on both 
counts.  John, if I had just sold off my own personal mega-million dollar 
company like Bell, I might well go for a world cruise!  Just a thought.  Me, 
I've gotta wait for the Super Lotto.

Full face helmets do indeed protect from the road, and that's why I changed to 
using one while riding as well as auto-xing.  I have no doubt that my face will 
hurt if I end up landing on the pavement helmet-face-down.  But it will 
probably hurt me less than if I landed face-down.  IMO, those shorty helmets 
are for people with less to lose.

The front of the helmet does have some crushable material, IIRC, around the 
chin bar.  For what it's worth, I don't think there's much chance of hitting 
something head-on hard enough while autocrossing to deploy the bag.  Not zero 
chance....I noticed that RX7 last week which spun out and stopped maybe 30-40 
feet from a pole at Oakland.  But a small chance.  I'll accept it rather than 
buy another helmet, if/until SCCA requires a change.

Airbags are a violent thing, but they're designed to distribute the violence 
across your body better than the steering wheel and windshield.  Ask anyone 
who's been in a head-on with a three point belt - you end up bruised and 
beaten!  Again, it's better than the alternative.

re: spinning and hitting head - my car won't snap as fast as an MR2   ;-)   
Rolled a car once.  It was a four door, and I sit back far enough that my head 
thwacked the B-pillar pretty good.  Helmet would have helped, I suppose, as 
would a side-curtain airbag.  

Neither would have helped against the spinal compression from landing on the 
ceiling.  The belt isn't ever tight enough to stop someone who sits as close to 
the roof as I do.  But it kept me inside the vehicle and in place so that my 
grip on the steering wheel kept my arms inside.  So it may have saved my life 
as well.  Those people who died in SF last week when the idiot driver 
cartwheeled the family SUV, they were not belted in.  Off topic, but it never 
fails to torque me off when someone ruins a family's lives with bad decisions.  
The courts should order aggressive drivers to take up autocross.  And people 
should be required to take all of their really stoopid chances prior to 
reproducing.  Darwin says.


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