Hey Everyone,
Just passing this on...
What: TWO [2] Workers needed for "Love Mercedes" Ride and Drive Tour
When: Fri [tomorrow] Noon-6pm
Sat "8:00am ish-6:00pm ish"
Sun "8:00am ish-6:00pm ish"
Where: Alameda Point
Why: You get Paid $300+
How: Just reply [FIRST TWO ppl who can work all those times] and I'll give
you the
guy's number
Its like Mazda Rev it Up but smaller [less people]. More low key since its more
of a test drive, not a "Performance Driving School". Duties include set up of
booths, cones, etc, and working staging/starting, etc
Thats all, Thanks
Justin, #33 GS-N 1991 240sx