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Round 9 thanks

Subject: Round 9 thanks
From: Scot Zediker <>
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 20:04:57 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
First of all, thanks to my co-chairs, Eb Ojong and Sarena Tam; both of you were 
a big help.  Thanks to Alan Perucho for designing a really good course.  Thanks 
to Bryan Nemy for helping out wherever needed and for keeping me from going 
completely over the edge :)

Thanks to everyone who helped with morning setup and evening teardown, all of 
you who volunteered to cover worker positions in heats where we were short, and 
if I missed anyone, thanks and you know who you are.  I'm still amazed that we 
managed to get over 200 people through and give them FOUR RUNS and still get 
everything packed up and ready to go before anyone asked us to leave.

Scot Zediker

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