Once again, we need help working Tech. We need people to work the 1st, on grid,
group as well as throughout the morning. We will start giving Annual Tech's
after the 4th run group. Remember there are requirements for Annual Tech.
1. You must have been auto-crossing for 3 years.
2. Or, you must have run 12 events, (validated by your signed "Log page").
3. You must have a 2004 SCCA Solo 2 Rule Book and have read section 3.3.3
regarding safety inspections.
4. You must be a member of SCCA.
When you come to get an Annual Inspection, PLEASE make sure you are PREPARED.
Your car must be RACE READY, meaning it's ready to role up to the starting
line. Double check for any lose wires, bolts, hold downs, etc. Make sure it is
CLEAN and all your numbers and class designations are properly affixed to the
vehicle. Read your RULE BOOK.
Any other questions, let me know or see me at the event!!
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