Thanks for the event! Your efforts are really appreciated, and I did find the
course very challenging. I agree that the huge overlap really slowed things
down - 15 extra seconds x 3 runs x 300 entrants really adds up, something like
2-1/2 hours extra. Well, chalk that up to experience. (Not intentionally
mentioning chalk there, sorry, though there WAS an unusually high number of
"I'm lost on the course!" excursions.)
I also wish to formally apologize to the guys at the first event who went
walking across the course unsafely while I was playing announcer. As John
Kelly pointed out, I should not have called you STUPID over the PA, it was
inappropriate. You deserved a chewing-out from an event chair or safety
steward, with possible loss of event privileges, not just being made an
example of by an over-excitable guy with a microphone.
Your safety not only affects whether you can go home that night. It affects
all of us who will have to suffer seeing your body bounce off of our
windshield, who will suffer higher insurance prices at the next event because
of your claim, who will find our 300 selves delayed at least a half-hour each
for the meat wagon to haul you away. That alone is two man-weeks of time that
will be wasted by everyone else, because you were too busy casualing along
with your buddies and not paying attention to your responsibilities and
Ignorance is curable, but stupidity goes all the way to the bone. Prove me
wrong, that you can be educated to behave intelligently. Don't let it happen
again, and look out for those around you to help keep them safe too.