I see no bugs.
Is there a steering committee meeting on 2004 Jan 20 (Tues) ?
David W. Crawford <dc@omor.com>
> OK, I changed the calendar to only display months till the
> end of the current year, and added an option to display
> next year's calendar. Let me know if weird bugs show up.
> "Current" year calendar will become 2004 on 1/1/2004,
> so no changes are necessary to get next year's up after
> that.
> That means I added a slim version of the 2004 calendar,
> since there are only two things on the schedule, tentatively,
> so far.
> Web folks, check out the 2004 directory to see the changes --
> from now on you can just edit the sfrsched page to add events.
> Note that there is a Club_pages.pl there, too, showing that
> no other club pages are to be pulled in. As other clubs get their
> schedules together, that file can be updated (carefully!) to
> add them to our calendar.
> Jerry
> Jerry Mouton '64 E Type FHC "Laissez les bons temps rouler!"
> Jaguar Owner's North American Tour - http://jonat.org
> April 15, 2004 - July 4, 2004