In October, I believe, the steering committee approved an increase in the
event entry fee from $25.00 to $30.00 for the 2004 season. Recently I have
been hearing a lot of discontent from various members about the fee
increase. I'm not sure what the reason was for the increase. It appears the
Solo II financial situation is healthy. If the $5.00 increase is meant to
bolster the site fund, then I think this needs to be explained to our
membership. As it is now, I believe $5.00 per entry goes towards the sight
fund. I am unclear if this $5.00 increase is meant to go to the sight fund
as well.
My point is if you are unhappy about the fee increase or have questions
about where the money will be allocated, please address your concern to one
of the steering committee members at the 120703 slush event, or e-mail one
of them. This club exists for the enjoyment of its members and you should
feel free to express your thoughts to the club members who dedicate their
time to making these critical club decisions.
Please accept my thought as a positive step towards club communication.
Jack Daniels