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Re: Funny French Car

Subject: Re: Funny French Car
From: Andy Fuchs <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 16:48:51 -0700
At 07:24 PM 9/17/2003 +0000, Richard Urschel wrote:

>You could run GS-N and talk to your competitors at each event or just hope 
>no one protests you.

It seems like GS-N will be almost just right. I don't think I'll be much of 
a threat: my first time, and the car way down on power...

>And, might as well say it now, you could drive a competively classed car.


Well, one uses the resources at one's disposal. (505 T was Valvoline 
Runoffs champ in Showroom Stock B 1997-2000.) I might have to make up some 
"Funny French Car" magnetics...


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