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Re: Stockton & Security

Subject: Re: Stockton & Security
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 16:45:06 -0700 (PDT)
> Probably not a lot of
> people are aware of just how high the crime level is
> in that part of Stockton. 

You know, I don't think they put the big "Illegal
Possession of a Gun Will Get You 5-10 Years" billboard
in just any part of town...

Did anyone else find that striking?  I mean, it sort of
implies something about a place.  I've seen "Never,
Never Shake a Baby" before, but illegal possession of a
gun is..  I don't know.. Worse.  At least you can make
a sarcastic joke about never, never shake a baby.  You
know..  Something like, "Oops!  Time to shake the
baby!"  People will laugh because it's absurd.  

"Oops!  I've got an illegal handgun in my pants!" 
That's not going to get you any laughs.


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