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why does my car rock at GGF and suck everywhere else?

To: <>
Subject: why does my car rock at GGF and suck everywhere else?
From: "James Creasy" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 10:22:56 -0700
its a setup puzzle:  last 2 times dick and i were at GGF we went 1st and 2nd
in fastest times.  however i get stomped at the other sites.

one difference is that the more power i add in a corner, the more the car
turns at GGF, so i can add lots of power all over the place.  at the other
sites it just pushes, or pushes and then hits a bump and spins.  it feels
like my car is more consistent, corners flatter, and is more stable at GGF
than oakland, candlestick- and it really sucks at marina.

could it be that GGF doesnt stress my crap shocks as much?  or maybe i have
way little rear bar (some other people are running 3x the rate i am now in
the rear).

i would love to make my car feel as good at the other sites as GGF.  :P  any
tips or observations appreciated!  thanks,


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