Okay, here's my list of errors on Event Chair Jackets, Regular Season
Trophies and Slush Trophies. Please advise if I've missed you...
Steering Committee/Event Chair Awards:
Joe Ciarcia - Name misspelled
Charles Cox - Name misspelled
Arie Villasol - Jacket not received
Roger Boone- Jacket not received
Kirk Meline - Duffel bag not received
Did anyone else with a 100 Percenter shirt have any color problems when
washing it? Let me know if you did, and bring me the shirt... Mine is going
Regular Season Awards:
Gilbert DeLosReyes - needs correct picture
Brock Rasmussen - " " "
Karena Christman - " " "
Jerry Mouton - " " "
Kristy Cheng - " " "
Kristy Cheng - Name misspelled
Stacey Wilbur - " "
Lolita Adrien - " "
Peter Mottaz - " "
Winter Slush Trophies:
Lolita Adrien - broken
Jake Mottaz - "
Dwayne Komush "
Alex Wun "
Daniel Pina - Trophy not received
Okay, let me have it! ONE LAST TIME!
The Event Chair Awards job has been taken. Someone needs to take over the
Trophy Chief job for 2003! I won't be doing it any longer.