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Re: Fontana

To: <>
Subject: Re: Fontana
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 20:14:38 -0800 (PST)
> In autox you don't get to do a barrel roll with your car after hitting
> and  climbing a tire wall at over 90 mph, nor
> do you get to unhook your harness hanging upside down, while listening
> to  the fuel pump still ticking and the gas pouring on to the tarmac
> behind you  and realizing that your fabricator had arms 2 inches longer
> than yours when  he installed the emergency electrical cutoff.
> One of the challenges of the autox upgrade path is we don't know how to
> drive at any less than 11/10ths!

So I take it it's harder to get a co-drive? ;)


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