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RE: Round 3 results are posted

Subject: RE: Round 3 results are posted
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 22:30:11 -0800 (PST)
--- Ben <> wrote:
> Hey Joe 
>            Who did your friend ask to work in an
> diff. group, I was the
> Chair for that event and the people who ask, I let
> them work in a diff.
> group. 

I'm pretty sure he asked a chair, obviously not you
though. He said the response was "no we have enough
people for this group already". He asked to work in
run group 6.

Cheers, Joe

>  Next time make sure you ask the Chair person.

Wasn't me... I don't have a wife and my GF knows I'm
completely useless on autocross days.

Cheers, Joe

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