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Re: Boondoggle

To: Bay Area Autocross <>
Subject: Re: Boondoggle
From: Sean Bradshaw <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 22:06:23 -0800
Bryan, thanks to you and Natalie, it went well. Two things I noticed through
the day:

One thing that was brought up at a steering committee meeting previously was
a way to stop people from coming in and interupting scoring. During group 2
we got interupted by someone who was panicked that a car was going to go off
course and into the large STS run group on grid B. Maybe the first thing we
need to ask the person is "Do we need to stop the event?" Certainly that
would get a safety or event chair's attention immediately, but could also
hold up a 300 car day and have cars driving in the dark at the end of the
day. Theoretically that is all that the scoring team is able to do to solve
the problem.

The second thing was a complaint, or maybe it was whine from a late person,
but I was helping get waivers signed in the morning before the course walk,
so there were 2 of us over there and at one point there was 20+ cars lined
up waiting to get in. One person complained that something needed to be done
about the line as he signed to get his wrist band. I'm not sure there's a
good solution to that one, except to tell that person to arrive earlier or
be more patient.

Other than that, it was a great event! Oh and a good course too!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Nemy" <>
To: "Bay Area Autocross" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: Boondoggle

> What a great event!  My co-chair - Natalie helped to make things run so
> smoothly.  We had tons of help, as usual.  Thanks for all those that
> The weather was great.  No timer problems.  The new motorhome made things
> work so much better.
> My goal this season is to man all positions in the motorhome and get the
> waivers signed properly for each event.  We just do not need as many
> out on course.  We managed to pull that off today and I am sure that
> times was something that most people appreciated.
> We processed over 300 drivers and got home by 6 PM.
> What a great day!!
> Bryan

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