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Re: Yearly numbers

Subject: Re: Yearly numbers
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 23:15:20 EST
The Permanent Number Book needs to be modified to accept the new Novice 
classes.  Of course, that mostly means removing the Novice sections, and 
starting a new page for 2003 in each section.  Remember that someone who had 
a number last year has first dibs on it for the next year.  Each Open Class 
and its Parallel Ladies and Novice equivalent should share a page, and that 
there will not be a Novice and Open car with the same number.  We've always 
accepted a Ladies entrant with the same number as her Open class equivalent, 
as long as there is an "L" after the class, I don't see that we should change 
that, even though this gets past card sorters more often than I'd like to 

But knowing that many Novices will not use class designations, I think it's a 
bad idea to allow there to be a #13 CSP and a #13 CSP-N.  I'm guessing Pat 
Kelly will back me up on this, and she's the one who has to deal with it when 
producing results.


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