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Helping a First Timer

Subject: Helping a First Timer
From: "Jeremy Rine" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 18:49:09 +0000
The is for Brent and anyone else interested in helping a new driver through 
their first event:

Stand at the registration table for 5 min and I guarentee you will meet 
someone who is attending their first autocross.  As of yesterday I was 
informed that we have 40+ first timers planning on attending Sunday's event.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "MrPepsi(Brent Johnson)" <>
To: Bay Area Autocross <>
Subject: RE: WRG Rules for Boondoggle!!
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:16:19 -0800

You know that brings something else up.
It would be fun for me to offer help to a first timer, as I know how it felt
to be a first timer when I began.
How can we put our name at registration to offer help.
Maybe they can ask the first timers if they would like a regular to shadow?
I would put my name in to help the youngins

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Nemy []
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 11:51 PM
To: Bay Area Autocross
Subject: WRG Rules for Boondoggle!!

This Sunday promises to be a great autocross day.  The forecast is for great
weather.  The new Motorhome will be in it's place and we will have a huge

So - we need to limit the number of people who will want to run in the
morning to make it to the SuperBowl.  Therefore, we will not allow anyone to
run with WRG (wrong run group) on their card.  We also will not allow any
extra Fun Runs.  Please, if you must run out of the normal class, run in a
class for which your car is qualified to run.  I do not want 60 car run
groups in the morning and 20 car groups in the afternoon, with no workers.
We will also have a record number of first timers.  Please help them out and
make them feel welcome so they will return.  Our goal this Sunday is a
smooth and efficient event which will allow everyone to get 3 runs before
the sun drops below the horizon.  With everyone's help it should be a piece
of pie.

Thanks in advance.

Solo 2 Chief SFR

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