Hello fellow auto-x'rs!! It's that time of the year again to wash off the dust,
pump up the tires, slip on the helmet and TEAR IT UP!, (for 2minutes
maybe??....) Anyway, here's the plan. Annual tech for the year 2003 will start
in March. Your 2002 TECH stickers will be good through MARCH, 2003. We will
continue to offer an annual tech inspection for those of you who wish to
complete your yearly or "Novice" requirements, for 2002. We are doing this to
give everyone a chance to obtain the 2003 rulebook. When these become
available, PLEASE purchase one, review it, and get familiar with the rules
pertaining to your vehicle, class and requirements pertaining to SAFETY and
vehicle preparation. For those of you interested in HELPING OUT with doing
tech, PLEASE let me know. We have a pretty good core of people that could
always use some assistance. We need people who can COMMITT some time,
regularly, on the TECH CREW. WE have made GREAT PROGRESS in establishing an
Annual Tech Program in the greatest region in the club, and we look forward to
making it even better, for you!!! Let me know if you can help out for ANY run
group, THANKS!!
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