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RE: Stupid camber tricks...

Subject: RE: Stupid camber tricks...
From: Joe Ciarcia <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 12:45:14 -0800 (PST)
I think I remember someone telling me that Volvo had
been experimenting with just such a system (where the
car leans into the corner). It turned out that the
test drivers were crashing a lot because it threw off
their senses and gave them a false perception of how
much grip the car had.

Of course this could all be completely wrong as I have
no idea where the heck I heard this, and therefor
don't know if the source is credible or not.

Ho Ho Ho, Joe

--- Mark Smith <> wrote:
> I want one.... and I aint talking about the hat! A
> few years ago Citroen released in Europe a car with
> "Active Suspension" which had the capability, if
> Citroen has so wished, to lean INTO corners....
> imagine that setup combined with the active camber
> and silly hats!
> Mark.

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