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Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: autosuffrage: we got votes for sale here
From: Lolita and Mike <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 20:25:08 -0700
on 10/26/02 9:31, at wrote:

> I'm not sure what you would have the BoD do to help us with our site
> situation, but if there was something they could do, I'd bet that they would.
> Charlie Davis

Did I missing something?
 While I wasn't around at the time, it has been my understanding that the
Region put up the money for TH.
Is that incorrect?
If not incorrect, the next logical question would have to be," wasn't SOLO
II paying into the Regions coffers then?"
If SOLO did help them buy TH, why shouldn't we expect them to help us buy a
permanent site?
( I don't even want to get started about a viable site, a plan, et al right
now. This is simply a philosophical question about support Vs thinking about
grabbing the $$ and running)

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