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Re: gymkhana: M-W's Word of the Day

Subject: Re: gymkhana: M-W's Word of the Day
From: "Peter Mottaz" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 15:47:44 +0000
So for those of us that haven't been around the sport all that long, what 
would be the difference between a gynkhana course and a solo2 course?


>-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
>Message text written by Ms Katie Kelly
>"So, what if we reintroduce gymkhana? This might solve
>our attendance problems.
>-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
>That's correct. The number of entrants would probably drop by 50 percent.
>Of course we'd proabably have to raise the entry fee to cover the site
>The new heroes will be those folks who have mastered the handbrake turn.
>And can afford flat spotted tires. <G>
>--John Kelly


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