--- "Kelly, Katie" <kkelly@spss.com> wrote:
> Oh, what a crock. You people autocross to "make
> friends"?! What a bunch of sissies! If you were REAL
> men, you'd know that the sole purpose of autocross
> is to seek and destroy, seek and destroy. I just
> can't believe what I'm reading. I'm trying to get
> some work done. Puhlease.
> -Katie
Please let the record reflect that Ms. Kelly has now
expressed her true feelings about her competitors and
relationship to the autocross community. Given that
these are inconsistent with statements by Jake and
myself, we would like this considered as proof that
Jake and are in fact separate distinct persons and
not, as has been suggested here in the past,
manifestations Ms. Kelly's multiple personalities. :)
P.S. The above statements are intended for
entertainment purposes only. Please, no hate mail. :)