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Radical, Original Solution (was Re: Stock Shock Chalk Talk)

Subject: Radical, Original Solution (was Re: Stock Shock Chalk Talk)
From: Todd Stiers <>
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 22:23:51 -0700
I read *all( the messages to make sure this suggestion hasn't come up.

Its very simple - drivers in a class don't drive their
own cars. Everyone in a class grids a car, puts card or keys into
a hat, then proceeds to pull a card or key out of said hat.

The motivation to pour tons of cash into a car, OR to bring in a total
wreck are limited. Any advantage/disadvantage due to the cars/setup 
should even out with time, and we'd all be better drivers for 
experiencing alternative autos and setups.

Perhaps this could be done randomly for certain classes at certain 
events, sort of like "drug testing" the cars within a class.
Any sudden or obvious changes in driver placings could hint at "issues" 
with a vehicle, as well open up a new method to improve the 
classification indicies of vehicles and/or their accessories.

Anyone in STS up for this radical approach? I'd likely end up in a
random Celica, but I'd be wiser for the experience ;)

STS #42 (Darth Rabbit)
freshly tuned for $ > blue book

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