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Re: Three autocross related questions.

Subject: Re: Three autocross related questions.
From: Alan Gruner <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:01:39 -0700 (PDT)
> Question 3:  When will we know what PAX will look
> like for next year?  If 
> the Mini stays in HS, and it and the Focus dominate
> at Nationals like I 
> imagine they can, I figure my PAX may not be as
> favorable next season.  

The car that won HS at nationals for the last couple
of years has been 89-91 Civic Si. It has about the
same power to weight ratio a our cars. It has a couple
of advantages over us. First, the wheels & usable tire
sizes are the same but the weight is about 300lbs
less. Second, I believe the car cam with a anti-roll
bar on the rear as well as the front and they don't
roll as much as ours.  

The Focus has been around long enough that some
nationally compeitive driver may have developed one. 

After taking a ride with Stan on Sunday, I don't think
anything can touch the MINI in HS. 

> If 
> that's the case, I should forget about competing in
> HS or ST and give in to 
> the urge to put springs and a rear sway bar on my
> car (neither of which it 
> seems to have now) so I can stop living in constant
> fear that it will fall 
> over in a corner due to it's terrific body roll.
> CSP modified Miatas and and SM2 modified S2000s,
> watch out!  The del Sol is 
> coming!  Think a cushy set of Eibach's and a sway
> bar will take 7 seconds of my times?

If you are going to do that, I would suggest sweet
talking Don Ebaugh into giving you the part numbers
and settings for his suspension. I don't know if the
they would be as effective in the Del Sol "flex-a-lot"
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