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RE: bmw != POS , was Re: Jr. Cart Entrants Round 9?

To: <>
Subject: RE: bmw != POS , was Re: Jr. Cart Entrants Round 9?
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 15:27:10 -0700
James writes...

> a nice car and certainly not a POS, but so numb you would learn
>every bad habit in the book trying to drive that in a 'sporty' manner.  by
>'numb' i mean you can give it ridiculously violent inputs and the car
>responds very smoothly.  difficult to get the rear out.

Sounds like you drove it with every bad habit. :) Cut him some slack, Peter. 
He's a Cobra driver. THOSE teach you some bad habits! :)


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