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Atwater Tour

To: Bay Area Autocross <>
Subject: Atwater Tour
From: Bryan Nemy <>
Date: Wed, 08 May 2002 22:34:32 -0700
I just want to thank everyone that helped at the Tour.  It came off very
well and it was the group of people from SFR that made it happen.  I want to
thank Andy McKee and Vic Sias for running the whole thing and making it go
so smoothly.  Of course Teresa Neidel and Elise Geiger were with them all
the way.  Other key people were Chris Cox, a great course design, and Pilar
Miranda.  Guy and Mary Ankeny from Cal Club were key in setting up the
practice course on Friday and cleaning the course for Sunday, among other
things.  Jesus put on another one of his great feeds on Saturday night -
Thanks. There were plenty of others, but I can't list them all here.  The
show was great for SFR Solo 2.  We showed others what a wonderful event this
region can put on.

For those people that did not attend, you missed a hell of a show.  We had
no Novices and I was very disappointed.  The competition was great and can
be a motivating factor in improving your driving skills.  The many past
national champs that show up at these events are always open to answering
questions and are great people to get to know.  And these folks can drive! I
ended up in last place in my class(SS), but had a ball anyhow.  People came
from everywhere.  Just in my class alone were guys from Washington, Oregon,
British Columbia, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and California.  Other competitors
came from Michigan, Montana, Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania and even South
Carolina.    The course was fast and fun and different then we get at the
local events.  The concrete was really grippey and a blast to drive on.
Hope we can see more locals next year.

On to the Pro!!!


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