>The Pro at GGF was in 1990 - right when Chris and I
started autocrossing. Sherry
Yep, cochaired by Jeff Perkins and Paul Foster, yes
THAT Paul Foster.... They were mightily disappointed
by the SFR reception too. Foster seemingly has never
quite recovered.
> scales
>Years ago I worked in the auto industry developing
test instrumentation. In short you'll be lucky to get
5% accuracy and repeatability out of portable scales.
Those who know nothing are not interested in such
arcane stuff. Ever see a "czar" in charge of DQing
folks in SFR that has even read their GCR rules? Too
much bother, and no need. The purpose is to DQ their
friends by whatever means available. Taking out one of
SFR's most faithful national champions on a trivial
and inaccurate thing like this is what makes SFR what
it is!
> I'll bet the scales we use have never been
recalibrated. The scale accuracy is also subject to
leveling, crudely done if at all at a divisional.
Positioning of the wheel on the center of the scale
effects accuracy. I could go but you get the point.
are NOT going to get laboratory results with portable
scales that are handled like hammers, not delicate
instruments. Larry
Now Larry, don't confuse the folks who are having so
much fun with simple stuff like this. It is SOOO much
fun to DQ a much more prepared effort than your own!
And it is soo easy! That's why these folks do these
It's why these "big" events do not appeal to everyone,
like you and me in particular. And maybe Frank now
Dennis Hale
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