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Re: Nat Tour @ Castle

To: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>,
Subject: Re: Nat Tour @ Castle
From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 23:36:03 -0400
-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by "Pat Kelly"

"Then again, I may be confused...we put on our first pro at Milpitas, I 
think. :) The old Ford plant, now gone. "

-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

Actually there were two (2) events at the Milpitas Ford plant, a week
Bill Johnson of Kansas City, the man who invented Pro Solo, insisted the
events were in "San Francisco!
At least that's what he told people.  <G>
I know he and his crew stayed all week in a Milpitas motel in between the
two events.

--John Kelly

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