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From: Durk Edwards <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:39:23 -0700 (PDT)
Hello! Just a reminder, annual tech will be available, again, this Sunday until 
1pm. For those who have already gotten your annual, don't forget to present 
your signed log-book to the registration personnel so they can sign off on 
tech. We should have more book stickers available Sunday also. Couple of things 
that we have been "catching" are, lose air intakes, lose battery hold downs, 
lose wheel bearings and improper lug nuts. PLEASE try to have your car prepared 
and race ready BEFORE you get to tech. We need numbers and class designations 
on the car. For those of you who have hub caps, unless they are secured by the 
lug nuts, they must be removed. I still need volunteers to work the 1st through 
5th run groups. THANKS!

p.s., if anybody is running a B stock Honda S2000, and would like me to "warm 
up your tires", please let me know. I work cheap.........THANKS!
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