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RE: New Hoosiers: scrub in or race ready ?

To: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM>
Subject: RE: New Hoosiers: scrub in or race ready ?
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:29:52 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto} wrote:

> Hoosiers should be ready to go pretty much straight out of the box.  They
> will be quite greasy for the first run or two, then they are scrubbed in and
> ready.  I doubt a couple hundred miles of street driving will do as good a
> job of scrubbing them as 1 or 2 autox runs, plus you get to find out first
> hand why *nobody* runs these on the street!

I ran Hoosier radials to and from events for years, regularly as far as
Sacramento (from San Jose), once as far as San Bernardino.

> Also I don't think they are very resistant to punctures, and I'm pretty sure
> there isn't much that would tick you off more than putting a nail in a brand
> new $800 set of Hoosiers!

The only puncture I had was a 1/4 bolt that would have gone through a lot
of tires.  Plugged it from the inside and continued running the tire with
no problems.


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