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Tour Workers - Your Region Needs YOU!

To: Bay Area Autox <>
Subject: Tour Workers - Your Region Needs YOU!
From: Andy McKee <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 21:57:33 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks for those that have volunteered already!  We do need a few more helpers,
and I need some confirmation from some of those that have volunteered as to
when they specifically will be there.

Saturday Party/Dinner - Covered
Tech - Needed Friday afternoon and some Sat morning
Course Setup - Needed early (8am Friday)
Friday Welcome Party - needed late afternoon Friday

Volunteers so far are Don Lew, Barry Chafin, Eric Cheung, Randy Noll, and Ken
Mitchell.  If you guys could let me know specifically when you can be there and
what you are going to work, that would help.

Anyone else who wants to help, send me a message with when you'll be in Atwater
and I'll see if we can use you.


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