if you take your GPS along for a run, you might like
to try plotting your run using rideplot:
it represents the GPS data as a .png (web friendly)
graphic, coloured/contoured by speed.
J C <veloimpreza@yahoo.com> writes:
> If anyone can make use of this I've posted it below
> (hopefully Yahoo won't munch it too much, perhaps I
> could send a file for someone to post on the SFR
> website?). I took the readings at two different times
> of day, ideally I want to do them all at once (this
> explains why the altitude is different, the pressure
> changed and I started mapping before the GPS could get
> a fix and correct it... of course altitude doesn't
> really matter here :-) but it's still fairly close.
> The waypoints represent light poles. I should have
> turned it on while I was running the course. That's
> always somewhat entertaining.
> Cheers, Joe