Hi all,
I received this request from the folks at The Valvoline cup (see
valvolinecup.com for information). They are looking for some help at a
couple of tracks that are in the area (see request below).
If you think you would like to help out and have the time, email Stacey
Grammer direct at "stacey@grammermotorsports.com" and let her know.
Peter Mottaz
>From: "Stacey Grammer" <stacey@grammermotorsports.com>
>Reply-To: <stacey@grammermotorsports.com>
>To: "'Peter Mottaz'" <mph_16@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Need promotion worker
>Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:40:28 -0600
>I thought I would put a problem before _you_ .<g>
>We have added two tracks in the San Fran region's sphere of influence.
>I need to hire one person to work at each track (it can be the same
>person for both) to go out to the track, hang a few banners, and sign
>drivers for the Valvoline Cup.
>The places and dates are: Chowchilla Speedway on April 12th (I need to
>know about this one by this Friday), and Altamont Raceway Park on April
>Do you know anyone who would do this? For $50, a shirt, Valvoline Racing
>hat, and a set of coupons worth about $50 on Valvoline products?
>The work is easy, and the worker will get in free, and have access to
>where the drivers are.
>Please let me know ASAP.