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Re: There is no free clinic for this

To: <>
Subject: Re: There is no free clinic for this
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:29:02 -0800
As a  non-computer guy's product recomendtion for anyone with email,  I have
found Norton's  Anti-virus program to be really excellent . It screens
everything as it comes in and partitions it off if there is a problem. It
does this before it is downloaded. It creates its own firewall so it never
even reaches our house server. It also scans any outgoing files before they
are sent, plus it does a periodic or on-demand full search of all files. It
updates itself online (it tells you before it does), and when a particularly
sick person gets inventive somewhere in the world, which is apprarantly
quite often, it automatically notifies you promptly that the patch is
available to download. You don't have to wait nine days. Even I can use it,
thats how easy it is. It ain't free, but its cheap.

Wondering why there are apparantly a lot of strange people loose out there
to prey on normal folks,

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