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Re: I need to change careers

Subject: Re: I need to change careers
From: "Rob Weinstock" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:44:36 +0100
>I been doing a lot of thinking and I have decided that I can't stand 
>in a law office any more!  I have been working there for two years and
>enough is enough.  The only reason I'm there is it pays the bills (and car
>parts).  I have the opportunity, at this point in time, to switch careers
>and it has to be something with cars.  All day while I sit at my desk I'm
>thinking about cars and it was so bad today that I could hardly get any 
>work done.
>My problem is I can't figure out what my first step to a new career is.
>Should I go to an automotive school like the Sequoia Institute?  Get a low
>level job at a dealership and work my way up?  If anyone has any 
>on paths to take or has experience with a similar situation, I would love 
>hear it.

Not really possible to suggest courses of action without knowing your 
education and work background, and what areas are of interest to you. You 
might like servicing cars, or designing cars, but hate selling them, for 

You should take some time to evaluate carefully where you might be in say, 5 
years, in sales, or with a job that you landed as a result of the Sequoia 
Institute, and see if that's where you think you would like to be. You might 
want to talk to professionals already in the field and see if they're happy, 
would they do it again, what did they wish they did differently, etc. I 
would say though that it's important to find a provides you challenges and 
makes you happy. The rest will follow.

Also, sometimes grad school can be leveraged to make a career change. If you 
don't have a technical or analytical background (engineering, accounting, 
etc.), this might be a consideration. It also gives you a couple of years 
more to seriously consider your alternatives.



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