John Kelly wrote:
Each event was staged by a member club and their members staffed the event.
Said were barred from competing in their events as they were the "hosts."
This led to some games playing as people switched club affiliations in order to
score points in the NCSCC Championship. Some joined an NCSCC-affiliated club
(You had to belong to one in order to score points)
that didn't stage autocrosses and they avoided working events entirely. And
they won championships.
Those clubs are, essentially, all gone.
John - I don't know what year that came from, but that was never the case
during the 20 years I ran in council events. That was from about 1973 through
1994. And I was Autocross chairman for two years. I was always a member of at
least one or two council clubs, usually ACT and another Marque club. There was
never a NCSCC restriction on club members competing. I always ran at our own
events. I also never saw a competitor change clubs for any class competitive
reason, other than perhaps to build a stronger team challenge. A few clubs,
notably Lockheed and the GG Lotus club always staffed their own events, but
other clubs often solicited workers from the ranks of competitors. Several of
the council clubs are doing their own thing today. The Marque clubs are still
marque clubs. The people who ran in the competition clubs who are still
running, are running either SCCA Solo II or NASA events or both. The NCSC
Council structure was not adaptable enough to function in the reality of
multiple sites and rising costs, since they were, with a couple of exceptions,
essentially a confederation of small (read as poor) clubs. They needed a
"Federal" structure, and couldn't figure out a reliable way to do it. SFR SCCA
took over as the central autocross structure for the Bay Area, and NASA
continues to "co-"operate on the periphery, using much of the same user base
that SCCA and, formerly, the council clubs sought. - Seth Emerson