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Re: Duel at DeAnza?

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, Dennis Hale <>,
Subject: Re: Duel at DeAnza?
From: Dennis & Sherry Armstrong <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:10:03 -0800
Yes!! Dennis & Peggy and Boondoggle!!
It would be nice to have them both there. Dennis if you call in your
membership & use a credit card you get it back much quicker. It
would be fun having both of you there! Dennis, I bet you will find
that you will have far more friends then enemies there.

 Come on, You even got a personal invite from the Boondoggle Boss,
Weather Goddess Katie.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
To: "Dennis Hale" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:43 AM
Subject: RE: Duel at DeAnza?

> Dennis,
> Part of me wants to just dismiss your last post as evidence that you are
GOING MAD, but  you've got some half truths in there, none of which matter
all that much to me personally, but you never know, that's how rumors get
started. You never know who's reading this list who might take you
> >Sure, then again, you gotta pay an extra $50 about 6
> >weeks in advance, wait for some officious paper,
> >remember to have it with you, yadda, yadda, yah. Oh
> >that was never seen as a limiting device?
> It's not a limiting device. We're going to have well over 300 entrants at
the Boondoggle. The extra $60 (I think) is the annual SCCA membership fee.
Requiring that the card be in hand was not my idea, but one benefit is that
we know that the people attending our events REALLY want to be there. With
events deep in the heart of the Bay Area, prior to this rule our experience
has been that folks show up, make their runs, leave without working, making
the autocross less enjoyable for those who run our events honestly. If our
events were farther from the Bay Area, most likely required membership would
not be necessary. Crowds would be more managable. This membership
requirement, though extreme, is the lesser of two evils, but that's my
opinion. It was never intended to be a mean spirited rule, just merely a
last ditch attempt to keep our events under control, before we DO have to
limit entries, which I hope never has to happen. Again, that's me. In no way
do I represent the SFR S!
> teering
> Committee and its voting tendancies.
> Other perks include monthly issues of the (no longer) award-winning "the
Wheel", "SportsCar" magazine where you can read about all other facets of
motorsports within SCCA, the opportunity to enter really fun National Tour
and ProSolo events, plus you'll be fully insured.
> >Oh yeah, Monterey is three hours from Pleasanton. On
> >one of Mr Gore's Chinese commuter bicycles.
> >Gonggggg.
> I don't even live in Pleasanton. Why all the references to Pleasanton?
> >And of course those inhabited porta potties at
> >Candlestick are the epitome of civilization.
> Not only that, sometimes a few members of civilization LIVE in the porta
> Didn't NASA run for awhile at Candlestick, too?
> >Do you have permission to extend this invitation?
> >Remember I personally destroyed the GGF facility with
> >my 500db 1800cc motor about a hundred years ago. Or
> >something like that. The actual numbers were never
> >given. Or was it the color was too loud? It never was
> >very clear to me.
> Of course I have permission. I am the BOONDOGGLE BOSS! You'll have to be a
member, yes, but if you are, please, please, come to the Boondoggle.
> When you were, ahem, "kicked out" of SFR, are you sure it was due to the
db reading of your car? :)
> Anyway, glad to know you don't carry any grudges. That's the important
> No, but seriously. We live in an area where we are fortunate enough to
have a several autocross sites, and different clubs representing different
goals and wants of different people. Why, why, WHY do we have to bash those
who do things differently? I've always enjoyed NASA events, the Duel at
DeAnza, and tons of events put on by different clubs with different rules.
NASA autocross schools have always been the best organized, in my opinon.
I've ALWAYS really liked NASA autox courses. I think what you and Peggy do
down in Marina is GREAT. If I had a friend who never autocrossed before, I
would tell her to run a NASA event first. They are fun, low key, and the
people are always really friendly and helpful. Oddly enough, this friend
decided to just join SCCA without even having autocrossed before! She'll be
at the Boondoggle, her first event!
> So, obviously, required membership is not a deterrent. Not to those who
REALLY want to do it.
> Dennis, I tease you, but you know it's because I've known you before you
were, ahem, "thrown out." Hope to see you and Peggy at the Boondoggle!
> Katie

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