I'm currently sorting through Jim Williams' pictures for the 2001 Regular
Season trophies. There are a lot of pictures with no number on the car, or
from enough of a front angle that the numbers aren't visible. There are also
people who ran more than one car and/or number, or the same number as a
co-driver in a different class. For the following trophy winners, I need any
info that can help me identify them (car type[s] and year, color[s],
number[s], license number, driver's helmet style and/or color).
Anthony Abeleda
Georgia Abelardo
Jesse Lee
Adrian Tang
Jenny Herce
Street Tire:
Dave Rowney
Dick Bishop
Novice 2:
Chris Maxwell
Kenneth Kong
Novice 4:
Dave Benach
David Chiang
Alan Leung
Dillon Wong
Novice 5:
Kevin Hubert
Tarek Khoury
Novice 6:
Ian Porteous
Mike Kyle
Steve Kupper
Novice 7:
Donald Leitao
Thanks for your help...