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Re: Preregistration and computerized timing/scoring

To: Kevin Lahey <>,
Subject: Re: Preregistration and computerized timing/scoring
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 14:20:52 -0800
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by:
 If you had been consulted beforehand, perhaps
>those of us who *don't* live with the scorekeeper might still be waiting
>a week or two to get the results.
Whether John and I are a pair or not has nothing to do with the speed or
lack of speed in getting the results up on the web. You are very unclear
with this assertion. Although I suspect that when you run events that are
not "ours," you find it takes two weeks. However, historically, SFR has
always gotten their printed results out in less than a week, even before the
advent of computers. Don't know about any other groups.
    As to John being the chief nay-sayer, I don't think so...a most unfair
attribution, in my opinion. He's been very quiet on this subject and many
other...though we've had discussions about every topic here at home. :)
--Pat Kelly
>I'm not necessarily excited about pre-registration (I like the illusion
>that I can decide whether or not to run at the last minute), or
>computerizing everything (I think it is all too easy to make this 
>harder, rather than easier).  Nevertheless, I encourage folks to
>explore it and see what we can do.  It sounds like there are certainly
>plenty of folks who are enthused enough to come up with a proof of
>concept and try it out...

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