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Re: Tech on Grid -- Fuel to the Fire

To: "Randy Noll" <>,
Subject: Re: Tech on Grid -- Fuel to the Fire
From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 17:47:43 -0800

3COM is in a worse neighborhood.  And we get some
pretty strange people wandering through GGF, too.  I heard
some of our most experienced event chairs say they would
not subject workers to the risk; I agree.  It's not a risk of
getting run over, but getting mugged or worse.

We're not using the standards they use at Sacramento.
Some of the worst complaints I have heard autocrossing
were about standing for two hours in the sun at Mather.
We don't want to do that to our workers.  Trust me, most of
us would not happily work an extra 30 minutes if that's what
it took.

I agree we have enough workers to do what's necessary
(most run groups).

Did you have a tech problem holding up the event Sunday?


Jerry Mouton    Laissez les bons temps

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Noll" <rnoll98@YAHOO.COM>
To: "Jerry Mouton" <>; "Bay_Area_Autocross_List"
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Tech on Grid -- Fuel to the Fire

> Thanks for the insight.
> > But we are running 8 because of the number of
> > attendees we get.  With 8 groups we should average
> > 25 workers per group.  Take out chairs, registration
> > and setup, and you get 23.  That should be enough, right?
> > True, there are variances, but chairs have to juggle people
> > around to some extent.  With 6 groups, the problem can be
> > 40 driver run groups, and workers standing out 2 hours
> > or so.  It has definitely happened!  It's always a balance.
> Agreed. At the other end of the balance they run 40 driver groups in
> Sac every weekend (150-160 entrants, 4 run groups), not that it's
> right--especially in 100 degree heat--but it's easily done.
> > Same number would be required for tech in either case,
> > pretty much.  I don't think that's the tech problem.
> Agreed, assuming we can get tech started early enough there shouldn't
> be a problem, but this thread started because there is a problem
> somewhere. It's either getting done late or getting 'rushed'. To solve
> it we either need to find a new way to ensure tech workers start very
> early or put more people on it.
> > The gate problem is not a matter of too few people, it's
> > worker safety at our risky venues.
> This I don't agree with:
> (1) Don stated last week that he didn't have the staff to put waivers
> on the gate, so we'd need to use at least 1 worker from the heats to
> cover this, setup might also need one more for the morning to cover
> this before heats start.
> (2) GGF has one entrance (the second is usually blocked) at the edge of
> the pits, very safe. 3Com is the same way. Oakland is not in the nicest
> neighborhood, but again i think there's only one entrance and it
> ultimately runs along the coliseum between the course and the stadium.
> Put 1-2 people there and they're no further than the far corner course
> workers.
> > Even the posting problem is not a matter of too few, it's
> > redirection.  We had more coureseworkers than absolutely
> > necessary, and taking one to post would not have hurt.
> > I think it's juat an awareness thing.
> True. I think it's fun to check times mid-heat, my apologies if this
> was overlooked yesterday.
> > Your 8 extra would provide 31 workers per group --
> > wouldn't there be a lot of extra people standing around on
> > course?
> 15 on course--3 at 5 stations (2 exp. 1 novice)
> 5 in motorhome (timer, scorer, announcer, sorter, cones)
> 1 poster
> 1 timing slips
> 1 starter
> 1 grid
> 3 tech
> 1-2 gate waivers (2 if safety is a concern)
> The last two we could have learning tech or timing/scoring. We seem to
> sometimes be short experienced staff in the motorhome. I totally agree,
> we could run the show with 20, but even with 30+ I don't think there'd
> be big herds of people on course. Too many? Let the first three who
> check in go free, incentive to show up early. From what others are
> saying it seems like the chairs are always filling in one gap or
> another.
> > I define the run groups, and I use historical data from the previous
> > season to define the current one.  I always try to insure that the
> > best
> > bet is we'll have enough workers at every run group, and that the
> > number
> > of drivers in each group are about even..  If it seems there
> > won't be enough, I will go to 6 groups -- I didn't foresee a problem
> > for 2001 Slush.  As you can see, completely different people show
> > up for every event, and the balance can be off.  That's why shuffling
> > workers from one group to another is sometimes called for -- or
> > calling for volunteers...
> I'm amazed you get the run groups as even as you do.
> I am offering up a possible solution to those who have wanted to do/try
> something but got shut down because of the 'not enough workers' excuse.
> I don't think it's a valid excuse. I think gate waivers and posting are
> both important and necessary, as is getting tech done on time. I'd be
> more than happy to shag cones for an extra 20-30 mins to see it happen
> if that's what it takes.
> Randy

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