Charlie writes...
>This brings up one of my problems with tech on grid. Not only >do
event chairs end up teching a lot of cars, but if you find a >problem,
lots of times there's not enough time for the
>competitor to fix it.
I used to be a fan of tech-on-grid, but now I see the pattern. People
eventually get their cars on grid, leave them there with their hoods
open, and then take off. Then, there usually isn't someone working tech.
So, then it's just a mad dash to get cars teched quickly (and not
thoroughly), and THAT'S what I see holding up the events. Random
entrants volunteer to do it, the event chairs do it, or they're
wandering about trying to find someone to work tech. Besides that, even
chairs should not be teching cars.
I'm all for going back to the "old days," when you got your car teched,
and THEN put it on grid. That's how it's going to be at the Boondoggle,
Katie Kelly, in a panic already