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Re: Informal Poll on "sort of" pre-reg. for autox !

Subject: Re: Informal Poll on "sort of" pre-reg. for autox !
From: Alan Gruner <>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 08:36:06 -0800 (PST)
> So... what have you saved?  You've essentially
> eliminated the payment
> procedure, which isn't a bottleneck anyway.  BTW,
> you now need the
> registrar to have a printer that can handle card
> stock.

Registration is rarely a bottle neck at our events. It
runs pretty smoothly. There is nothing wrong with the
way things are done now. Don asked the question of
whether members would like to online pre-register.
Mine was a suggestion as to how we might accomplish

> I understand that you've made the DRIVER'S life
> somewhat easier, but not
> that you've improved the registration process, and
> you've introduced
> several single points of failure.

And making the "DRIVER'S" life easier is a bad thing?

I suggested this as a first step. If a majority of us
started online registering we would then have an
electronic list that could be dumped into a
timing/scoring system for all the instant results
people seem to want. 
> > We could add work signup to the online
> registration
> > and preprint names in the sign up sheets as well.
> You have no guarantee until they check in that
> someone who signed up to,
> for example, announce group 3 will actually show up
> to fill that role.  In
> the meantime nobody else will sign up for it...

You are correct. I debated whether to even to suggest
it. I'm sure there is a way to address this issue, if
the members want it.
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