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RE: [bay-dsms] Ahhh...Oversteer!~Autox Report

To: Debbie <>,
Subject: RE: [bay-dsms] Ahhh...Oversteer!~Autox Report
From: Chris Warner <>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 15:09:31 -0700

finished 3 seconds faster than me on street tires, damnit ;) gave me some

pointers on how to drive an AWD with oversteer. I paid close attention and

next event I plan on putting him in his place ;^].

WE'll see about that....  I got third place, on street tires, so I guess I
did good...:)  I need rims for my race rubber now, the the slush will be


95 talon TSI AWD

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Debbie []
  Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 1:21 PM
  Subject: [bay-dsms] Ahhh...Oversteer!~Autox Report

  HA!!  I've been struggling with understeer since I've had my car.  Today I
found the cure!  I put my bald race tires in the rear and the bigger ones,
with tread, on the front.  Now I have all the oversteer I can handle, and
much more, as evidenced by my "performance" today ;0)...Now all I have to do
is learn how to drive with it...:-p

  I did very poorly today but I had a great time nonetheless!!  I had one
pretty spectacular spin on the back stretch and a few almosts...Chris Warner
(who finished 3 seconds faster than me on street tires, damnit ;) gave me
some pointers on how to drive an AWD with oversteer.  I paid close attention
and next event I plan on putting him in his place ;^].

  I really enjoyed the course and the view of San Francisco , along with the
nice breeze and friendly folks in ESP made for a real good time, and
hopefully, a really good learning experience pour moi...

  Debbie, who felt like she was ice skating with her AWD Talon, right down
to the spins (I give that one a 10!)...

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