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Looking for Registration Workers for autox 9/30 !!

Subject: Looking for Registration Workers for autox 9/30 !!
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 02:46:13 EDT
Ok, it's time again.  I can't remember how long it's been, but maybe too long 
in light of all the recent events.  Sooooo, to make this registration process 
proceed as smooth as all the previous successful events, we need some 
volunteers to work the registration desk.  Shifts of 1 hr or so, between 8am 
(setup) and 1pm (close of reg.).
Counts as your work assignment, usually a sit down job.  Meet lots of cool 
(even if not cool, they're gone in a few minutes :)

Oh yeah, no experience needed !  Let me know if you can help out and about 
what time you can work.  See ya there !

Don Lew
slush reg pro-tem

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